Spiritual Intellegence (SQ)

1. Self-Awareness
What we believe, value and what motivates us deeply

2. Spontaneity
Living in the moment; being responsive to the moment.

3. Vision and Value-led
Acting form principles and deep beliefs.

4 Holism
Seeing larger parts, relationships and connections. Having a sense of belonging.

5. Compassion
“Feeling with”, and deep empathy.

6. Celebrating diversity
Value others and their difference, and not despite it.

7. Field independence
Standing against a crowd and having one’s own conviction.

8. Humility
Having the sense of being a player in a large drama of one’s true place in the world.

9.Tendency to ask fundamental “why” questions
Needing to understand things and getting to the bottom of them.

10. Ability to re-frame
Stand back from a situation/problem, and see the bigger picture.

11. Positive use of adversity
Learning and growing from mistakes, suffering and setbacks.

12. Sense of vocation
Feeling called upon to serve and to give something back.