
It's 3 o'clock already. My watch went and died on me - not that it causes particular chaos this week, since I am kid free for 10 whole glorious days!! Now I know, this sounds terrible. But it only happens once a year, which means I still have 355 other days to be an excellent mother. Now, I'm just being a good one - letting my kid stay at Ouma's for more than a week - and rejoicing over it!!

My daugter loves visiting her Gran. She usually doesn't want to come home - but let's face it - horse riding, swimming in rivers, sleepovers on farms, chickens, frogs, monkeys, biking, hiking, cousins, fresh fruit and actual...wait for it...real ...fresh air!! - can't possibly beat what I have to offer, which is school, routine, 4 walls, boring quick fix supper and TV.
So I can do what I feel like for 10 days. Well, not 10 days entirely. My sister is moving back to SA after 10 years in London and I'm the hal;fway house. So I have some serious preperation to do. I can't wait!!! plus it's a good excuse to finally spring clean. This annual excersize just did not seem that important in Spring. The fact that at that particular time I had been more interested in lounging outside getting pissed, might have something to do with it. I don't know.

Maybe my urge to clean stems from the fact that I was househunting for my sister last week and had the privilage (?) of seeing how others live. Some people really do not care. I was in the house of a woman who had 3 domestic workers working simultaneously and yet I could barely find a spot on the floor not covered by dog poop or peep. She kept apologizing for the mess and I kept on wondering "wwwhhhyyyy??? would you let people come to your house in this condition? Whyyyyyy?" Perhaps for her it would have been a good idea to have started cleaning in, I don't know, Spring 2001. Gross.

So I did feel a little better about the breadcrubs I did not sweep up that morning - it really did not seem that bad anymore - but it made me look. And I knew it was time for some therapy of the mop kind.

But I will make some me time. I have to. Even if it's just one bath longer that 15min, an actual soak. My, would I be able to live with that.