So yesterday was a bit of an interesting day. Firstly it poured! The result was that Jabulani did not come to work. I phoned him to tell him it would really be a day wasted.
I then proceeded to do some drilling of holes myself. Due to the rain, slipped of the ladder and tore all the ligaments in my left ankle.
But wait, that's not all. The director of the rehab my STBX husband is attending, phoned to ask me not to inform my STBX that he will in fact be an ex very soon. So I actually had no reason to go visit, but felt guilty!!! and went. It was weird, but a confirmation (like I needed one) that I am doing the right thing. The rest of the day was spent in the emergency room having my foot checked out because by that time I couldn't walk on it anymore.
So is D-day. We have a "family counselling session" today where I can tell him of his soon to be divorced status.
I am home alone, crippled, still severely sleep deprived, emotionally completely unbalanced and spiritually bankrupt. I want to just to sleep and when I wake up - realise it was all just a really long, really bad dream.
One woman's journey off the highway onto the straight and narrow
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