Day 60

Unimaginable that I could actually reach double the dreaded 30 days of sobriety. As previously sulked about, I have been having a couple of down days. But last night my husband said a very sobering thing: "Stop creating a crisis - just accept that right now, everything is great. What is wrong with that?" So I am making an effort to really focus my attention on doing something that recharges me, when I feel like it. I am going to slow down and enjoy the fact that for once in my life, there really is no crisis. There is no dilemma and no fiasco. There is just peace in abundance and finally some real happiness. So this winter season of my life is a good time to grow my roots so when sobriety Spring finally comes, I will blossom.

So in this spirit, I have joined Planting Season to motivate myself to get ready for spring in my vegetable garden - which really needs allot of work after the destruction caused by building the "aviary" and ofcourse general winter damage.

I hope you will all join and at least plant a square foot garden with some tomatoes and lettuce this year. Happy sobriety to all, may each of you have a remarkable day today.