I also read an upsetting article about drinking habbits of young children! Yes, you read right and it's no typo. YOUNG children. Read it here Unfortunately only in Afrikaans. Well, I can tell you this much - alcohol will not be a point of negotiation in my house. It's the same as letting your kid do controlled cocaine use! My GOD, what parents children have to deal with.
Crazy thing - I hired a personal trainer! It all started with a stupid mail I got from a friend in January about things to make your year great. One of those impossible new years resolution things. Hiring a personal trainer was on the list. It said: "look the best you ever have". It stuck in my head. One day I discussed the idea with my older sister wondering if it's really worth the money. Big mistake! Turns out she had a trainer in the UK for years (no wonder she looks so good). I was still making excuses when she had already given me the money to pay the deposit! So here I am, stuck with a 18 month paid up gym contract, gyming like an enspired whale. Funny story, when I told my best friend at Al-Anon that I'm training with a PT her only response was: "So can you walk...?" I might have bitten off more than I can chew, because honest answer to that question is: "Not really".
Anyway, I'm sure I will survive. I have so many times, most things much worse than a tight butt.
I have really been doing well since I realised that my problem really was not alcohol, but the alcoholic. Somehow the AA way of life is even easier to follow now. Also, Al-Anon makes more sense. Don't get me wrong - I so don't condone my past behaviour at all and neither do I grant myself the luxury of blaming the alcoholic for all my wrong doings, no, I just finally accepted that my behaviour really was crazy and eratic and that I need the Steps - from which ever side of the coin. It works, it really does.
The steps had tought me the value of taking one "step" at a time. Dealing with one issue at a time, one day at a time. The importance of having routine and structure. I surround myself with positive energy, I make time for special people and I dare to care. When something resembles a crisis and chaos, I grab it, measure it to the serenity prayer and remove the sting. Life is so much more simple this way.
For the first time in a very long time I can honestly say I have hope. I don't have hope for something or someone to change, I just have hope that it will be better - which every way my Higher Power decides. Today I'm just hoping for enough.
I wish you enough sun
to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain
to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness
to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain
so that the smallest joys in life
appear much bigger.
I wish you enough gain
to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss
to appreciate all you possess.
I wish you enough hellos
to get you through the final goodbye.
to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain
to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness
to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain
so that the smallest joys in life
appear much bigger.
I wish you enough gain
to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss
to appreciate all you possess.
I wish you enough hellos
to get you through the final goodbye.
*- Bob Perks
Koos | March 6, 2012 at 11:00 PM
To love one's self is the beginning of a life-long romance.
Nick Mitchell | March 20, 2012 at 12:01 PM
Way to go, continue to surround yourself with Positive people, sayings, lessons to keep your life on track and in check, i continue to do so by following a community through Alcoholism Aftercare Programs
Anonymous | October 10, 2012 at 3:20 PM
Thanks for sharing your experience! Sobriety is more than just not drinking and using, it is a way of life. My life is totally different today as a result of living with principles and integrity along a spiritual line. I was able to get help three years ago from a place called New Life House and I have been sober ever since. If you or a loved one needs help check out their website at www.newlifehouse.com