Day 49

I'm really glad I stopped drinking on a Monday. It has given new meaning, flair and promise to this normally blue day. Today it's exactly 7 weeks since my last drink and a very not-blue Monday.
Mondays where really rough during my drinking career, for obvious reasons. After a binge drinking 48 hours with little or no sleep, I usually escaped to my office on Monday mornings to hide from the guilt and the complete sense of hopelessness I felt over my circumstances - my condition. I would mostly stare at my PC trying to figure out why I could not change this pattern or simply try to survive the hangover.
Today is significantly different. I had a wonderful weekend. I actually did some maintenance at home on things that have been on my to-do-list for months. I baked bread and cup cakes and spent time with my husband. I also washed the cars, which really made me feel proud for some odd reason, I mean, it's just a clean car. But lately everything makes me feel proud. Every day feels like an accomplishment. I am also very proud of my husband, for passing a very big test in his sobriety, saying "no thank you" to his family at a gathering 3 times - and leaving sober without resentment. It seems the sails that we have set are now filling with wind and we are moving in the right direction. And all this started on an exceptionally dark blue Monday on may 10, 2010.
Now who ever said, blue Mondays couldn't change your life.